Sunday, 5 February 2023

Nilefosminerals' statement as of January 2023.

As of 2000 the Sukulu phosphate and fertiliser project was in a continuous process of development for the completion of a detailed feasibility study. An extensive, comprehensive and detailed process had been followed by Madhvani International and Nilefos Minerals for the Bankable Feasibility Study. The activities concluded in 2013/14 with a c.US$400 million investment and development plan submitted to the Government of Uganda by MISA/Nilefos jointly with:

Since then the project is mired in litigation and disputes, in and out of court with judgements of “illegality” and “compensation”. Following a Government directive in 2015 that parties should enter "out of court settlements" MISA/Nilefos focus has been to address the legal challenges and propose solutions to enable this nationally strategic project to be implemented. These efforts continue at the present time to avoid possible international arbitration and lawsuits.
This January 26 2023 blog post provides temporary free access to all the data and documents that were produced by Madhvani International and Nilefos up to 2013 when the Government of Uganda considered Chinese competition and unilaterally issued the Mining Lease to Dong Song Energy Company of Guangzhou. Access to  items 4-6 of the following list requires login and password: login is visitor; password is visitor.

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